About Me
    I loved to climb trees. My "big tree" had more rooms than the Swiss Family
    Robinson tree house. My eyes would blur and the branches became the
    capsule of a spaceship or a secret hideout, a classroom, a sailing ship or a
    Medieval castle. But mostly, my "big tree" was my place to think and
    imagine being somewhere or someone else.

    Of all the things I imagined, becoming a writer never seemed possible. But
    that little voice, the one that would ask, "Where would you like to go today?"
    was my muse and the writer waiting to come out wove stories in my

    Do people ever tell you that you should be someone you don't want to be or
    do something you don't want to do? Keep your ears and eyes open for that
    little voice inside that takes you where your heart wants to go.
It's me, Sue LaNeve

    I was born in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA called Squirrel Hill. I have two older brothers. When one of
    then developed asthmatic bronchitis, my parents packed us into a car and moved to West Miami, FL, a
    very small town only one square mile! Something about humidity would help him. I remember all the
    times he couldn't breathe and my mom would sit him on the side of the tub while the hot shower
    created steam.

    As a tiny tyke, I loved picture books until climbing trees, summer camp, watching TV and living in my
    imagination seemed more fun. My best friend Patrice and I were the only girls in a neighborhood of
    fourteen boys. Let me tell you! I knew the meaning of the word bully first hand.

    A funny thing happened when I grew up. Someone told me I was popular in high school at Miami
    Coral Park. It's funny because I sure didn't know it back then! Eventually, I headed to college and
    earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Florida in Gainesville. You see, I thought I wanted to
    become a psychologist, but I realized I needed to figure out my own nutsy mind before I tried to help
    others. I did a bunch of journaling to get all of my worries out of my head--like Spanky, I took out the
    garbage. All that journaling led to creative writing, technical writing and ultimately, earning an MFA
    in Writing for Children and Young Adults.

    Right now, I'm living aboard a trawler we call FREEBIRD. Here's a picture of our girl.

    But really, the truth is  I feel like a child inside an adult's body. Go figure.